Startup Chronicles
Unveiling Inveel Journey, Moments, and Adventures
PSI Founder Fellowship
We are glad to be part of the PSI Founder Fellowship! Huge thanks 🙏 to Paul Scherrer Institut PSI for making this journey happen!
Click here for more info.
We are glad to be part of the PSI Founder Fellowship! Huge thanks 🙏 to Paul Scherrer Institut PSI for making this journey happen!
Click here for more info.

December 1, 2023
Swiss Sensor Network
On September 7 we joined the Swiss Sensor Network - Sensor Marketplace organised by EMPA, PSI, EAWAG and WSL. It was a great opportunity to connect with other colleagues from the sensor community in Switzerland. Thanks 🙏 to everyone who joined the talks and visited our poster! 👍

Energy Lab boost
Very happy to announce that we have received some funding from the Innovation Booster Energy Lab for our proposal to print extreme high resolution electrodes for smart windows! This will open new opportunities to save energy and to reduce heating/cooling costs on buildings in the future. Many thanks and looking forward to the future collaboration!
Very happy to announce that we have received some funding from the Innovation Booster Energy Lab for our proposal to print extreme high resolution electrodes for smart windows! This will open new opportunities to save energy and to reduce heating/cooling costs on buildings in the future. Many thanks and looking forward to the future collaboration!

May 4.2023
We are launching!
We are happy to announce the launch of the Inveel company, a spinoff from the Paul Scherrer Institut which is a multi-disciplinary research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland and part of the ETH domain. Keep an eye on our activities, because a lot of exciting things are coming in the next couple of weeks! 😄 Or if you are interested in our technology, drop us a message and we will get in touch with you ASAP!

AUGUST 29, 2022